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Thaumatology 02 - Demon's Moon Page 14

  ‘I have to go into Greycoat Street,’ John said. ‘Apparently we’ve had a huge fight among a couple of werewolf packs and they need all hands on deck.’

  ‘But it’s your night off!’ Lorna exclaimed. There was an edge of panic in her voice and Ceri felt her aura expanding.

  Lily was suddenly beside them, her own aura spreading and counteracting fear with pleasure. ‘If Lorna can stay until we close up,’ she said, ‘we can get her home.’

  John looked uncertain. ‘We live in Hammersmith,’ he said. ‘If there’s some sort of trouble with werewolves…’

  ‘The Serpents?’ Ceri said, grinning slightly. ‘Seriously, Detective, those monkeys don’t stand a chance between me and Lily. Lorna would be perfectly safe.’ He was still looking dubious. ‘Or we could take her to High Towers. A horde of demons couldn’t get in there and you can pick her up in the morning.’

  ‘You’d do that?’ Lorna asked. ‘Invite a vampire into your home just…’

  Ceri shrugged. ‘I already have a half-demon and a fairy,’ she said, ‘a vampire spending the night isn’t exactly strange. I trust you, besides, I’d ask a favour of your husband in return.’

  ‘Oh?’ John said warily.

  ‘I’d just like to hear what happened with the werewolves,’ Ceri told him. ‘I’ve been doing a lot of research on them recently. I may even be able to help.’

  John looked at his wife and then nodded. ‘All right,’ he said. ‘I’ll come over tomorrow. About eleven?’ Ceri nodded. ‘And any information you can supply would be appreciated I’m sure.’

  ‘Come up to the bar, Lorna,’ Lily said. ‘You can keep Carter company. I think he’s lonely stuck back there.’ She grinned at John. ‘And don’t worry, he’s far too busy to be more than just flattering.’

  The detective ran his hand over his face, wondering what he had let himself in for. Lily giggled happily and half-dragged the vampire across to the bar. Ceri escorted John to the door, watching him leave for the headquarters of the Greycoats. Something was going on and it seemed more urgent than ever that she find out what it was.


  Lorna the vampire was just a little giggly as they walked from the tube station through Kennington Park to High Towers. Ceri had never seen a giggling vampire before; Lily was apparently a little more used to it. Actually, Ceri had the distinct feeling that the only thing stopping Lily from taking advantage of the situation was Lorna’s husband, though she was also not sure that Lily could feed from undead. She caught herself wondering whether the sexual metaphysics were the same and giggled herself.

  ‘What are you thinking?’ Lily asked, smiling around Lorna who was being half supported between the two friends.

  ‘Metaphysics research,’ Ceri replied. ‘For once I’m going to supress my curiosity, however.’ Lily smirked as though she knew exactly what Ceri was thinking about.

  ‘John said you were a thaum… thauma… magic scientist,’ Lorna said. ‘What were you thinking about?’

  Ceri blushed. ‘Uh… just something to do with Lily’s succubus powers,’ she said, hoping the vamp would not ask for details. Somehow, Ceri did not think the timid woman would really appreciate being told that Ceri wanted to watch as Lily licked her into a frenzy.

  Whether Lorna was curious or not, she did not ask. Instead she stopped suddenly, her eyes fixed on a spot in the shadows ahead. ‘There’s a werewolf up ahead,’ she said. ‘In the bushes on the left of the path.’ Ceri could see nothing, but the reason vampires hated bright light was that they had such good night vision.

  ‘If you live, show yourself,’ Ceri murmured, the little cantrip focussing her will as her senses spread out around her. There were six of them, surrounding the trio of women. ‘You’re not too drunk to pull your aura, are you,’ Ceri asked quietly.

  ‘I h-haven’t really worked out how to control it,’ Lorna said. ‘If they scare me I’ll probably do it automatically.’

  ‘Well,’ Ceri said, ‘they could be friendly. Alexandra may have sent some of her pack to keep an eye…’ She stopped as her Sight picked up on something further back among the trees. It was big and giving off a thaumic field which reminded her a little of Lily and the demon Matthew Barnes had summoned, but… different. ‘We head for the house,’ she said. ‘We do nothing unless they do.’

  The three women began walking again, Lorna’s eyes fixed on the werewolf ahead of them, Ceri watching the creature in the trees. Nothing happened until they were almost adjacent to the wolf, and then Ceri felt Lorna’s aura flare. Both Ceri and Lily flinched, but they were ready for it, the werewolf which had started toward them, stalking, was not. The bushes thrashed as the wolf suddenly backpedalled through them. ‘Run,’ Ceri said. She heard noise behind them as the other wolves gave chase, but the side gate was just ahead of them and she was sure they could make it through before they were overrun, even if Lorna’s aura did not keep them back. The familiar flare of pale orange greeted them as they pushed through the gate, even more reassuring and welcome than usual as the house greeted its mistress.

  Ceri stopped, looking back as half a dozen grey-furred werewolves charged toward them. As the first howled and charged the gate a sheet of bright light arced high into the air and the howl turned into a yelp of pain as the barrier enchantment blocked the creature. The two who tried to vault the fence were thrown back as though they had hit a solid wall. Ceri’s lips drew back in a malicious grin.

  ‘Sh-shouldn’t we get inside?’ Lorna’s voice still held an undercurrent of terror.

  ‘Yes,’ Ceri said, ‘but we’re quite safe, see? They can’t get in and there’s something I need to see.’ She raised her voice. ‘Come on, you cowardly bastard, show yourself. Stop sending your dogs to do your work.’ Nothing happened, aside from the werewolves howling at the insult, and she tried again. ‘I thought the Remus Pack were supposed to be something special, but you’re nothing but a weakling, a runt!’

  The night was shattered by a howl of rage and the thing which had been hiding among the trees rushed out toward the gate. It was big, a hulking, muscular from with dark brown fur and a misshapen, demonic, wolf’s head perched on its broad shoulders. A hand with three, thickly clawed fingers hit the barrier first and there was a brilliant flare of scarlet light. Behind Ceri, Lorna hissed as adrenaline began to overcome the alcohol. The monster-wolf roared in frustration and its minions rushed the barrier again, bouncing back as before.

  ‘Go back to your Alpha,’ Ceri yelled. ‘Go back and tell him you failed. Go back and tell him he’ll never raise Fenrir because I’m going to find him and rip his black soul out through his chest!’ She raised her hands and twin spheres of energy formed in her palms, shimmering and writhing as the power built and trails of it began to spiral around her forearms.

  The demon-wolf turned and loped off into the trees and the werewolves scattered, whatever hold the creature had had on them broken. Ceri waited until they were out of sight and then sank to her knees, letting the power she had gathered drain back into multi-dimensional space.

  ‘Th-that was fantastic!’ Lorna exclaimed. ‘You were amazing! Are you okay?’

  Lily moved forward and picked Ceri’s shaking body up from the path. Lily smiled weakly at Lorna. ‘Let’s get inside,’ she said. ‘She’ll be fine. She says she’s not good at acting, but she’s actually way better than she thinks she is.’

  ‘That was all show?’ Lorna asked, he voice rising in pitch.

  ‘Oh no,’ Lily said as Ceri clung to her. ‘She really could have blown that thing in half, and one day she’ll probably realise it would be that easy.’ She started for the door to the second kitchen without another word.


  Kate Middleshaw looked a little uncomfortable watching the Radcliffs seated on the chaise longue in the study. Ceri was not sure whether it was worry over her partner, or his wife, or whether it was simply that the detective sergeant had fallen for her superior. It did not really matter, they had business to attend to.

/>   ‘You think this… demon-wolf was directing the werewolves?’ John asked.

  ‘I think it was,’ Lorna said.

  Ceri nodded. ‘It was one of the Remus Pack. They’re this semi-legendary bunch of… possessed werewolves. Rumour has it they arrived in the country around the time of the new moon.’

  ‘Remus?’ John said. ‘As in Romulus and?’ Ceri nodded. ‘You’re saying some ancient, dead guy has become a demonically possessed werewolf and has come to Britain to start all the other werewolves fighting?’

  ‘Actually,’ Ceri replied, ‘no, but which part of that bothers you? Y’know, since you’re sitting in an enchanted house with two magicians, a fairy, a vampire, and a half-demon.’

  The detective opened his mouth to respond, and then closed it again. Finally he said, ‘So, what are you saying?’

  ‘Remus himself is a ghost,’ Ceri explained. ‘A very old, very powerful one. Centuries ago he killed and “consumed” his brother in revenge for his own murder. I think that “consumed” has more of a metaphysical connotation than just eating his flesh. When the Romans deified Romulus, they actually began feeding more and more power to Remus. He’s strong enough that he can materialise at will now, after dark anyway.’

  ‘He’s found a way to possess werewolves with the spirit of a slain wolf-god,’ Twill said.

  ‘And his plan,’ Ceri continued, ‘is to bring that god back. I don’t know why, exactly.’

  ‘But you have an idea,’ Kate stated flatly.

  Ceri nodded. ‘What happened last night?’ she asked.

  Kate and John looked at each other. She answered. ‘It began around midnight,’ she said. ‘We started getting reports that the Marshwall pack had staged a mass invasion of the Isle of Dogs. The Dog Boys responded. There were werewolves ripping each other apart all through the docks. We went in with riot teams armed with ‘bane-gas canisters.’

  ‘Then the Serpents attacked the Royals,’ John continued. ‘We’re not sure, but we think the Royals lost their Alpha male. The female’s in the university’s hospital. They say she might pull through.’

  Ceri winced. ‘Did you hear anything about the Battersea pack?’

  ‘Nothing official,’ Kate replied. ‘We had a report of some Marshwallers being sighted heading for Battersea Park. If there was any trouble, it was kept quiet.’

  Ceri looked over at Lily. ‘I’ll have to go see her tonight,’ she said.

  ‘Be careful,’ Lily replied.

  ‘See who?’ John asked.

  ‘Alexandra, the Alpha of the Battersea pack. She’s the one who gave me most of the information about Remus.’ It was easier to lay it all on Alexandra. Technically, she was not allowed to discuss the books at the Library, even with the cops. ‘I’d like to visit Catherine as well,’ Ceri added, ‘if she’s well enough for visitors.’

  ‘You seem to have been getting around the packs,’ Kate commented.

  ‘I’m doing my doctoral thesis on the metaphysical process behind were-creature transformations,’ Ceri said. ‘Catherine and her mate helped me. Oh! Have you heard anything about packs outside of London?’

  Kate clearly thought she knew what Ceri was thinking, and was not too far off. ‘The North Hills helped?’ she asked. Ceri nodded, but was not going to go into details. ‘Not heard anything,’ Kate went on, ‘but it’s probably worth pursuing. I’ll make some enquiries when we get back to the office.’

  ‘Thanks,’ Ceri said. ‘That would be appreciated. I’ll let you know what I find out.’ Well, she would let them know what she could of what she found out. She had a strong feeling that there were limits to what the Greycoats were equipped to handle and Remus was not one of them.


  There were two uniformed policemen and two werewolves standing around the doorway to Catherine’s hospital room. All four of them looked distinctly uncomfortable, and all four looked as though they were going to try to stop Ceri and Lily as they approached. Ceri was getting ready to mention Kate Middleshaw when one of the werewolves recognised her.

  ‘Hey, you’re that mage that came to see us with Alec,’ he said.

  Ceri smiled at him. ‘Ceridwyn Brent,’ she said, ‘that’s me.’ The two cops relaxed as well; Kate had said she would send the name ahead. ‘I’m sorry to hear about Joshua.’

  The two wolves looked at each other and then back at Ceri. ‘Catherine will be happy to see you,’ the man who had recognised her said. Something in the way he said it said much more about what he was not saying. One of the policemen opened the door, allowing Ceri and Lily to enter the room.

  Catherine was a mess. Both her eyes had been blackened and there were visible marks, probably from teeth, around her neck. The Alpha had got lucky if someone had got that good a grip on her throat. Her voice sounded thick when she spoke, as though words hurt. ‘Ceri, thanks for coming. You brought your, uh, friend too… I’ve, uh, looked better.’

  ‘How bad is it?’ Ceri asked, moving to the side of the bed with a look of concern on her face.

  ‘Aside from what you can see? Three cracked ribs, several claw wounds.’ She picked up a cup of water from her bedside cabinet and sucked on the straw stuck in it. ‘I was lucky,’ she said.

  ‘The Serpents…’ Ceri began.

  Catherine let out a short bark of a laugh and then winced. ‘The Serpents didn’t do this,’ she said. ‘This was Joshua.’ Lily gasped, Ceri’s face turned from concern to anger. It was frustrated anger, the man was dead, there was nothing more to be done about it.

  ‘What happened?’ Ceri asked.

  Catherine sighed. ‘Something came to us late Friday night,’ she said. ‘Some sort of… I don’t know what, but it came and there was a voice in our heads. It thundered. It said that we could have great power if we allowed it in, let it lead us. Our enemies would fall before us, blah, blah, all that shit.’ She sucked on her water. ‘Joshua agreed, I didn’t. Next thing I knew, Joshua was attacking me. I fought back, but he surprised me. Stefan, one of the guys outside, smacked him over the head with a bottle just before he could rip my throat out. The pack members loyal to me fought the rest off and got me away from the park. Later I heard the Serpents had raided into our territory. They won’t tell me what the casualty figures are and they won’t tell me if they’ve arrested Joshua or are just treating it as “in-fighting” among the pack. You know the way they get.’

  Ceri glanced at Lily. ‘Joshua died in the attack,’ the half-succubus said. ‘The cops probably figured you’d react badly. Alphas mating for life and that.’

  ‘Oh,’ Catherine said. She looked blank for a second. ‘That means the pack’s leaderless.’ She grabbed her bedclothes and started to pull on them. Lily was stopping her before Ceri could even react. ‘But… the pack.’

  ‘You’re in no shape,’ the half-demon said. ‘Don’t make me use my aura on you.’

  ‘Tomorrow,’ Ceri said, ‘you might get a visitor. Another werewolf. I think she can help you heal, but I’m sure she can help you get the pack sorted out.’ She put her hand out, gripping Catherine’s arm firmly. ‘We need another pack in the city able to stand up to Remus.’

  Catherine looked at her, confused. ‘Remus?’ she said. ‘Who the hell is Remus?’


  ‘Tea, my dear?’ Alexandra asked as Ceri walked into the circle of light from the fire.

  ‘You were expecting me,’ Ceri stated. ‘I’d love some, thank you.’

  ‘I’d be a very poor soothsayer if I hadn’t been expecting you,’ Alexandra said with a smile. Ceri smiled back and settled onto the ground, Michael settling just behind her again, as the Alpha prepared the teapot. The kettle was already on the stove and near boiling. ‘Things have begun to heat up.’ Alexandra was not referring to the water.

  ‘Did he send one of his people to see you?’ Ceri asked.

  ‘Yes. He sent one to all the packs. The only other pack to resist was the Royals, well, partially.’

  ‘He sent one after me as well,’ Ceri
said, ‘leading a team of wolves. I… scared it off, but it couldn’t get past the house wards anyway.’

  ‘As you have no doubt discovered, his wolves are almost entirely demonic in nature once they accept the power he offers.’ Alexandra smiled weakly. ‘If offer is the right word. Your parents were likely taking great care to keep demons at bay unless they summoned them themselves.’

  Ceri nodded. ‘Could I ask you to pay a visit to Catherine tomorrow? She needs… a pep talk.’

  The kettle began to boil and Alexandra plucked it from the stove and poured water into the pot. ‘Do you believe she is worth my time, Ceridwyn?’

  ‘Yes,’ Ceri replied without a moment’s hesitation.

  ‘Very well, I’ll pay her a visit.’ The old woman smiled. ‘You have questions you don’t know how to ask. I find the best thing to do is to just ask them.’

  ‘Schuler,’ Ceri said, ‘the man who brought Remus to the Black Forest. You met him before then.’

  ‘Yes,’ Alexandra said.

  ‘You knew what was going to happen,’ Ceri said.

  ‘Not exactly,’ the Alpha sighed. ‘There are points in time I can’t see past until they happen. I can see how things piece together, but then it goes dark. It’s like… like the whole world hinges on what happens at that time. The choices made then are too complex and far-reaching to see past.’

  ‘The Shattering?’ Ceri asked.

  ‘No,’ Alexandra said. She poured the tea and handed a mug to Ceri. ‘No, I don’t believe there was any choice to that. It was always going to happen once Hitler chose to continue his alliance with the Thule Society.’ She took a sip of tea. ‘This coming full moon though, that is dark to me.’

  ‘I found something,’ Ceri said, ‘a prophecy of some sort. It seems to imply I need to find someone. The “Fair One, the Reborn.” Does that make any sense?’ Alexandra laughed. ‘Seriously,’ Ceri almost snapped, ‘this seems to be the only person who can stop Remus.’