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Thaumatology 06 - Hammer of Witches Page 5

  Ray went scarlet. ‘Uh, well, I thought I’d ask…’

  ‘No,’ Ceri said.


  ‘No, you don’t ask. It’s clichéd, but “You place or mine?” is good. It says you’re expecting sex, but you’re giving her the option of location and she has a get out clause. She’s expecting to sleep with you tonight. Casual sex is practically built into werewolves. She’ll want you to take charge though. Bitches are submissive to males of their rank.’

  ‘But I don’t have a rank,’ Ray pointed out.

  ‘In her eyes you do. You impressed her. When you offer, she’ll go back to your place. Have a drink, but don’t get comfortable. Make sure there’s lots of skin contact. Take your shirt off. Oh, and if she starts looking down a lot and then turns her back to you, jump her. Don’t worry about foreplay and being nice. There’s plenty of time to demonstrate how good a lover you are after the first time. You’ll be at it all night.’

  ‘Uh… okay,’ Ray said.

  Ceri grinned at him. ‘Now go show her you like her. I’ll get your drinks.’

  Ray looked a little bewildered as he wandered off, but by the time Ceri was bringing their drinks over he was sat beside Anita, one hand resting on her exposed thigh, and she looked a lot more comfortable. The smile she aimed at Ceri as their beers were delivered held a hint of gratitude and Ceri smiled knowingly back.

  Ceri walked back to the bar with a bigger swing to her hips and a broad grin on her face. Lily watched her, smirking the entire time. ‘You did that well,’ the half-succubus said.

  ‘Anita deserves a good time,’ Ceri said, ‘and they like each other, a lot. There’s no point in letting social mores get in the way. He just needs to be less of a nice guy.’

  ‘Says the bad girl.’

  Ceri giggled. ‘Says the bad girl,’ she agreed.

  Part Two: Partying in Hell

  Kennington, London, October 16th, 2011

  ‘Anita looked really happy yesterday,’ Michael commented over lunch. ‘She was walking a little funny, but she was really happy.’

  Ceri and Lily giggled. The sound of wind chimes accompanied Twill’s grin. ‘Ray is a very nice young man,’ the fairy said, ‘and I’d imagine he’s well able to keep a girl like Anita entertained for quite a while.’

  ‘Well he did call to cancel our lesson yesterday,’ Ceri said.

  ‘Exhaustion or further “entertainment”?’ Lily mused.

  ‘Anita didn’t get back to the park until just before dark,’ Michael said, trying very hard to keep his face straight.

  ‘Entertainment then,’ Ceri said. ‘Good, I think they both deserved some stress relief.’

  ‘Well,’ Michael said with feeling, ‘I’m glad she came back so I could get some… stress relief that is.’ He managed a slight blush. ‘Being Captain for less than twenty-four hours was tough enough.’

  ‘We were happy to provide you with relief,’ Lily replied, giggling.

  ‘I bet you were fine as Captain,’ Ceri said.

  He shrugged. ‘Nothing much happened, but I never realised how much work it is.’

  ‘Anything worth doing is worth a little effort, young man,’ Twill said.

  ‘A rule I live by,’ Lily said brightly.

  ‘Lil,’ Ceri said, ‘the only thing you put effort into involves nudity and bodily fluids.’



  The evening news was full of one thing. Graham’s Bar was a popular gay hangout in Kentish Town; “was” being appropriate since it was now a smoking ruin. Someone had planted several pounds of explosives along with two gallons of petrol in a store room and the bomb had gone off just after midnight when the place was full of people out for a good time on a Saturday night.

  ‘Police are not speculating on the reason for the attack,’ the presenter was saying, ‘but Home Office spokesman David Lee-Barrows gave the following statement this morning.’

  The picture switched to a moderately young politician in a blue shirt and suit. He had the typical moderately good looks of someone who was wheeled out to give statements concerning bad news. ‘We will, of course, begin a thorough investigation into this horrific crime. While the police are ruling nothing out, it seems likely that this was an act of homophobic terrorism. The Home Office wish to make it clear that this kind of barbaric act is not tolerated in Britain today.’

  The presenter returned to the screen. ‘Current estimates place the death toll at seventeen with another forty people injured. No details are being released officially, but one unattributed report, apparently from the nearby Royal Free Hospital stated that doctors had not seen such injuries since the Blitz.’

  ‘I can’t believe anyone would do something like that,’ Lily said as the presenter moved on to lesser news items. ‘Not for the reasons they’re suggesting. I thought that kind of thing died out in the seventies.’

  ‘Honestly? So did I,’ Ceri replied. ‘Mind you, London’s more cosmopolitan than some areas of the country. You remember Sergeant Croft in Cardiff? Wales is still a little stuffy about homosexuality.’

  ‘Then why not blow up a gay bar in Cardiff?’

  Ceri shrugged. ‘More publicity?’

  ‘That’s sick,’ Lily replied.

  ‘I’m not disagreeing.’

  Lily’s arm tightened, pulling Ceri closer on the couch which acted as their TV viewing chair. ‘You know, witches getting burned, now people who just happen to like the same sex… It’s like someone turned on a religious switch.’

  Ceri frowned. It did sound biblical, but it could have just been some crank and there was no connection she knew of between the dead witches and the bombing. ‘I don’t think we can draw that conclusion,’ she said. ‘Well, not yet anyway.’

  ‘There’s Suzie Shore too,’ Lily said. ‘They haven’t found her yet, and there was that woman you said was on the radio. She died in a house fire and she was a witch.’

  ‘Okay,’ Ceri conceded, ‘I hadn’t thought of that. I mean, there was no suggestion of foul play in Aunt Sally’s death, but… We’ll call Kate tomorrow and see where they’re getting with Suzie Shore, and ask if the Chief’s looked into Aunt Sally too. Okay?’

  Lily smiled and pulled Ceri into a proper hug. She planted a soft kiss on Ceri’s cheek. ‘Thank you.’

  Ceri smiled back, enjoying the hug. ‘What for?’

  ‘Taking me seriously.’

  ‘I always take you seriously, love. If I ever don’t take you seriously or don’t take your advice into consideration, feel free to punch me in the mouth.’

  Lily giggled. ‘I’ll have to think of some other punishment, there’s no way I’m ruining that mouth. I’ve got much better things to use it for.’ As if to demonstrate, their lips met and Ceri had to concede the point.

  October 17th

  It did not quite work out as planned since Faran, Lily’s incubus father, turned up quite early in the morning for another training session. Ceri opened her eyes thinking that it was Lily who was fondling her breast, only to discover herself looking at a handsome man with shoulder-length, chestnut coloured hair who did not appear to be anywhere near old enough to have fathered Lily. Incubi, of course, could appear in more or less any shape their target found appealing; they aged, but only showed it when they were trying to seduce someone who liked their partner a little older.

  You could tell Faran was not really trying too hard this morning because he had assumed the shape he used around Lily and her mother, which was the shape he had taken when Lily had been conceived. He could have selected a shape targeted specifically at Ceri, but had not. Then again, she did not exactly find this shape unappealing, it was just that he was not trying to be sneaky. In fact, as she lay there looking him in the eyes with his fingers sliding over her bare skin, she decided that he was just teasing. Not that it was not turning her on, but the incubus seemed more interested in seeing her turned on than in capitalising on it. It was a shift in attitude she had not expected and she just lay still
, letting him play, for longer than she probably should have before saying anything.

  ‘Have you given up on our game?’ she asked. ‘Or are we just taking a break?’ They had been playing “their game” for several months now; Faran trying to get Ceri into bed and Ceri not falling for it. Except that it was all play. Neither wished to let Lily down so Faran made a show of trying to get Ceri into bed and Ceri gave the impression that there was the slightest chance she might actually do it.

  ‘Perhaps I have a newer and more subtle plan,’ Faran suggested.

  Ceri could feel the muscles in her stomach starting to flutter; if it was a new plan then it might actually have a chance of working. Of course, there were ways she could turn it back on him. Snuggling slightly against the warm body behind her, Ceri relaxed and let him continue until her moans and pants woke Lily.

  ‘What are you doing to my mistress, Dad?’ Lily asked. The yawn which followed the question rather suggested the Lily was quite confident that Ceri would not let him get further.

  ‘I’m entertaining her while you wake up,’ Faran replied. ‘Honestly, I usually get here after she’s up and the sight of the two of you lying there was quite endearing.’

  ‘Endearing?’ Lily said over the whimpering noises. ‘And that’s why you felt it necessary to start teasing her nipples?’

  ‘Breasts, my dear daughter,’ Faran replied without the slightest hint of embarrassment. ‘It would be a crime to focus on such a small percentage of such a beautiful part of nature.’

  ‘What’s the lesson for today?’ Lily asked, apparently changing the subject. What was starting to get to Ceri was that she had not actually said anything to stop her father!

  ‘Perception and awareness of your partner’s body,’ Faran said, matter-of-factly. Ceri’s eyes widened.

  ‘Oh yes,’ Lily said, ‘that’s right.’ Ceri let out a squeak; they had set her up! ‘I’d say my partner is highly aroused despite the fact she’s just realised her lover has played a despicable trick on her.’

  There was a smirk on Faran’s face. ‘Very perceptive,’ he said.


  ‘Do you really think Lil needs to be better at sex?’ Ceri asked. She was exhausted and Lily and her father had carried her up to the study to lie on the chaise longue and recover. She was used to Lily keeping her hanging on the edge of orgasm, but that was via her feeding process which pulled energy out of her Tantric Median, delaying the climax. This time Ceri had spent over two hours with Lily taking her up and down between almost there and almost relaxed by far more traditional methods.

  ‘You’re asking a Lorril if I think someone should be better at sex?’ Faran replied.

  ‘Okay,’ Ceri said, grinning weakly, ‘you have a point.’

  ‘However, that’s not actually the point of the exercise.’

  ‘Reading body language, using her metaphysical senses, and adapting to her partner’s desires on the fly?’ Ceri suggested.

  Faran bowed his head. ‘Very good, yes. And while I’m sure you’ll appreciate her increased erotic abilities, the same skills can be employed in other arenas. I hope you were paying a little attention to what I was saying as well.’

  ‘I think I picked up a couple of tips. Mind you, there were long periods where I couldn’t hear anything aside from the blood rushing in my ears.’

  Faran chuckled softly and then turned as Lily came in with a tray of coffee mugs. She looked almost as tired as Ceri. ‘Child, you’re tired, sit down before you fall down?’ the incubus said.

  Lily handed a mug of coffee to Ceri and then did just that, sinking onto the rug to drink her own beverage with a sigh of relief. ‘I didn’t get to feed,’ Lily pointed out.

  ‘You rely too much on your abilities,’ Faran said. ‘You need to have more sex, both of you do.’

  ‘We do it morning and night!’ Ceri gasped. ‘And sometimes between the two. If we get any more we won’t get out of bed!’

  ‘I beg to differ,’ Faran replied. ‘Lily feeds on you a lot. I’m suggesting you have real sex more often. Two Lorril in a relationship don’t feed off each other constantly. In fact it’s considered a sign of great respect when a Lorril employs their skills to please a partner, not simply their powers. Not only will it increase your bond as a couple, but it’s excellent aerobic exercise if you engage in it enthusiastically.’

  ‘Fuck yourself fit,’ Lily said, deadpan. ‘I think we should write one of those fad health books. We could make a mint.’

  ‘Just so long as I get included in the royalty payments,’ Faran said.


  Kate sounded tired and irritated. ‘What was it you wanted, Ceri?’ the detective said wearily. ‘I’m kind of busy.’

  ‘Uh, we were wondering whether anyone had connected the witch murders with the bombing on Saturday night?’ Ceri asked.

  ‘Another of your hunches?’ The tone was sharp and there was a distinct hint of annoyance. It was not like Kate to be like that.

  ‘Lily’s, actually. She was…’

  ‘I don’t have time to entertain ideas from Cindy the Sex Doll.’ The line went dead leaving Ceri blinking at the study wall.

  ‘That didn’t sound like it went well,’ Lily said.

  ‘No, no it didn’t. She, um, sounded stressed.’

  ‘She wasn’t keen on an idea that came from a girl whose boobs are bigger than her head, right?’

  Ceri grimaced. ‘Well, no, but I don’t think she was going to listen if it was my idea either.’

  Lily’s brow creased. ‘That’s not like her.’

  ‘I said she sounded stressed.’

  ‘We, uh… we haven’t actually been told we can’t investigate this,’ Lily said.

  ‘No, we haven’t, but where would we start?’

  Lily walked over and sat on the corner of the desk, sucking on one of her fangs thoughtfully. ‘Well, we could try a few clubs and bars I know. Ask around, see if anyone’s got any news about religious nuts or militant homophobes.’

  ‘Does this mean I have to dress up like a hooker again?’ Ceri asked wryly.

  Lily giggled. ‘Well I’d love you to, but normal club wear is all we need.’ Ceri looked a little relieved right up the point Lily added, ‘We’re just going to a few gay clubs.’


  The bar was called The Hoedown and, whatever Ceri was expecting, it was possibly one of the nicest places Lily had ever taken her. It was full of women of all shades of lesbian, none of them apparently feeling the need to demonstrate anything other than a desire to be out with friends in a comfortable atmosphere. The place looked like any other wine bar in London; fairly modern decoration, brightly lit around the bar with dimmer areas off to the sides.

  No one paid them much attention as they walked in. They got a few interested looks, but no more than Ceri would have expected anywhere else. Lily ordered a couple of white wines at the bar, her gaze sweeping around the floor as she waited.

  ‘Are we looking for anyone in particular?’ Ceri asked.

  ‘Bets,’ Lily replied. ‘Betsy Meech, she’s a reporter for a counterculture magazine called The Other Side. She’s usually got a good handle on what’s going on. If we can find her.’

  ‘What does she look like?’

  ‘Five-nine, shoulder-length, red hair, green eyes, a little on the plump side, but long legs and big boo… There she is.’ Lily started marching off across the room with Ceri hurrying to grab their drinks and follow. She could see no one matching the description Lily had given and was a little surprised when the half-succubus stopped beside someone who did not match it at all.

  Bets was probably only five-foot-nine, but the five-inch heels on her patent leather pumps made her look taller. Her hair was a mass of blonde curls, and the pencil skirt and fitted jacket she was wearing gave her the kind of look you expected to see walking into a private detective’s office in black and white. Ceri was fairly sure the stockings were actually silk. She did not look plump, though the shape of her waist did sug
gest corsetry, but Ceri suspected that was choice rather than a desire for slimming foundation wear; certainly the cleavage attempting to escape from her silk blouse suggested a degree of up-thrust being applied to a substantial, natural bosom.

  ‘What on Earth have you done to yourself, Bets?’ Lily said as she approached the small group the reporter was talking to. ‘You used to be cute, now you look like something out of a Noir movie.’

  The blonde’s eyes widened as she turned and saw Lily standing behind her. ‘Lily!’ The reason Lily had not picked up her own drink became apparent as Bets flung her arms around the half-succubus’ neck and hugged furiously. ‘I haven’t seen you in ages,’ Bets was bubbling. ‘What are you doing with yourself these days? I heard rumours you’d snuck back into porn, but I couldn’t believe it. Who’s your girlfriend?’

  It took a fraction of a second for Ceri to realise she had been included in the conversation. She handed Lily her wine, since Bets had now released her, and said, ‘Ceri Brent,’ before offering her free hand.

  Bets took it and held on, her eyes scanning over Ceri appraisingly. ‘The thaumatologist?’

  ‘That’s right,’ Ceri replied.

  ‘You must be some kind of girl to have captured Lily.’ The journalist was still holding Ceri’s hand as though it would somehow reveal the nature of Ceri’s mysterious attraction.

  ‘She is,’ Lily said. The adoration in those two simple words left Bets speechless for a few seconds. ‘Can we have a word, Bets?’ Lily said into the silence.

  ‘Sure,’ Bets replied. She did not actually let go of Ceri’s hand, just shifting her grip so that she could lead the couple off toward one of the tables at the back of the room. Ceri was finally allowed her freedom when she had been steered into the back of a booth, with Lily on one side and Bets on the other.

  ‘I’m surprised there isn’t more… tension,’ Ceri said, though she was actually feeling a little tense herself.